Wednesday, September 5, 2012

catch up

am particulary proud of this one, worked right from sketch and kept refining. think it gave it a cool look. i tried to pay extra attention to shapes-- the shape of rachaels hair, the shape of pennys dress... that day was a good draw day...

i liked the inking on this one. [;

page 30, this was an interesting page to do. the last pose took me hours and hours-- i realize now cause it has no clear sillo to speak of and is kind of confusing... but i learned for next time not to attempt any crazy stuff like that... but the reason why the page was interesting is, i was trying to push line of action a lot, you know, give the bodies s curves and c curves... i think it looks pretty cool but i decided i didnt really want R&P to go in a cartoony direction...

these pages were really fun to do becuase... i LOVE coloring, love testing out new palettes and doing moods and stuff, so i am excited to start doing pages in color. don't think all of them will be in color considering the effort, but the important pages... as i feel like it on a whim... i was also proud of my inking in this one cause i tried more with line weight, and also realized some important things about speech bubbles-- you don't want to give the text TOO much space, and also you capitalize pronoun I's ... what a novice mistake!! but i'm glad i picked up on it eventually, that's why i like doing a webcomic, because every week i can try something new. it doesn't do well for my overall consistency but what the heck, learning makes me happy

and i caught myself struggling a LOT with panel composition, making things clear, not being cheap... that's a tour bus in the first 2 panels but w/o the previous pages i don't think you can tell! so i cheated there. but now i'm practicing perspective, and doing composition studies from archie and work by the hernandez brothers

 this is what my studies look like... studying composition is hard?! i'm trying to break down the different elements of the panel and see how they're arranged, and hoping that i do it enough where it becomes a part of my visual library. as for perspective, have nothing interesting to share with that... just blocks!!!

another thing i've been practicing is pixel art... I DON'T KNOW WHY. i feel guilty doing it because it's not relative to comics or illustration, but that's because i have this weird guilt complex about having hobbies. oy vey. here are my attempts so far, anti-aliasing is a bitch and i'll ignore that as long as i can heheh

yeah... wow............. look at them... it's so cute not knowing how to do something but maybe if i chip at it when i have free time it'll pay off

some other stuff on my mind: want to make more minis, want to study storyboarding, want to hone in on a focus to my portfolio, want to move out, want to live in new york... brooklyn yo..